For random instances, you have to always drop the instance, then, rejoin the queue just to get in a slot that is your level.ĭrops i feel are not even worth discussing, other then, you will get something, equip. You may not see the issue, but, dropping quests partially completed, then, trying to pick up in areas sometimes doesn't work too well (MOP is one giant quest chain, breaks all the time). You will be 20 levels higher then the instance if you grind and wait. The instances are near impossible unless you are a tank or healer. This also falls (see above) into the instance issues. Really, its a plus and minus to have the EXP boost. I do like 10 quests total and i'm already too high for the area. I made a mage and, i can't stress enough, how terrible it is trying to level with 10+ levels too low of gear. I didn't have too much of an issue with my druid until 80-ish and being geared enough for heroics, but, that also sits on the side of "my own fault" a little bit. Gear is obsolete in a matter of an hour and you will find yourself undergeared and underpowered very quickly (class depending, of course). On the down side, you have to understand that doing 1/10th a quest line will get you nothing but exp. I find the people are generally pretty good about stuff and I havent had anyone give issues or be toxic (not that i have seen in chat, or, in playing).Įvermoon is on a 2x experience setup, and, to be fair, it's nice to power past grinds and just get to the end. The guild i am in is great, and, very social. This is no fault of the p.server by any means, but, sometimes it becomes an issue for upgrades and all that. It quickly becomes a "single player MMO" (see point: exp for additional info). Having less than 1k players on either faction (generally 400 or less off-peak) really hurts the feel of the game. The population is super low for the expansion its on. I will go over a few areas that i think are important, but, nothing about mechanics or anything since, it's a p.server. Take them for what they are worth, since, my experience is not (and almost never) the same as anyone else's - figured i would sum up a 30 day post. I always review forums for issues or "personal opinion" posts. So, as I was searching around for a private server to kill some time.